Title: Dealing with peri-implantitis: An insight to various treatment regimens
Title: Models to assess microbial dysbiosis and oral microbiome transplantation
Title: The oral/systemic link demystified: Tell your mom you are a real doctor!
Title: Secrets to getting paid faster: From mastering claim submissions to winning appeals
Title: Primary molars with enamel defects in cleft lip and/or palate patients: A multicentre evaluation
Title: The effects of mandibular wisdom teeth on angle and condyle fractures
Title: Odontogenic orbital cellulitis: Diagnosis and management
Title: AI-powered pathology detection: The future of medical diagnostics
Title: Brain abscess following professional dental cleaning: A case report
Title: Unmasking the impact of nutritional & airway deficiencies
Title: Soft tissue reconstructive approach to peri-implant defects as a therapeutic and preventive option
Title: Long term evaluation of dimensional stability of guided bone regeneration in defects class 2 and 3
Title: Effects of the association between hydroxyapatite and photobiomodulation on bone regeneration
Title: Effect of lifestyle habits and periodontal disease on metabolic syndrome in South Korean adults
Title: Methods of root canal obturation and most common mistakes
Title: Effective utilization of dental informatics in dentistry
Title: Role of pulp volume method in assessment of age and gender in Lucknow, India- An observational study
Title: Avulsion of permanent tooth: a case report and new guidelines
Title: Retaining innocent smiles: Oral health promotion through health education
Title: Exploring the tactile sensation of haptics in periodontal simulators: Are you ready!
Title: Current trends in the management of osteoradionecrosis with pentoxifylline and tocopherol
Title: Influence of periodontal therapy on chemical and mineralogical characteristics of root surface
Title: Custom-made, zirconia root-analogue implant: A case report
Title: A comparative study of the performance of wireless implantable implants in the head and neck area
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