HYBRID EVENT: You can participate in person at Madrid, Spain or Virtually from your home or work.

9th Edition of International Conference on Dentistry
and Oral Health

September 02-04, 2024 | Madrid, Spain

September 02-04, 2024 | Madrid, Spain
ICDO 2024

Exploring the tactile sensation of haptics in periodontal simulators: Are you ready!

Madhulika Banerjee, Speaker at Dental Conference
Vishnu Dental College, India
Title: Exploring the tactile sensation of haptics in periodontal simulators: Are you ready!


A crucial component of a student's educational experience is the development of fine motor skills in conjunction with the simulation of clinical scenarios. However, there are certain disadvantages to the traditional dentistry education system, including expenses, availability, lack of actual clinical situations and time, clinical supervision, and the finance of raw materials. The advent of the haptics idea allows for the development of a more realistic clinical experience unencumbered by earlier constraints. Additionally, haptics provides students with an infinite number of training hours, allowing them to advance their abilities without worrying about staffing levels or budget. The sense of touch and force feedback may be able to provide more changes to the current learning strategies for the improvement of tactile sensation, thereby raising the standard of educational practices. This presentation offers a thorough understanding of the field of haptics as it relates to improving motor abilities in clinical periodontal procedure training.

Audience take away notes:

  • Haptics can increase user’s confidence and safety by eliminating distractions, particularly when performing periodontal surgery, detecting bone defects without flap reflection, and detecting sub-gingival calculus. Haptics does this by giving users clear and unmistakable tactile confirmation.
  • It can provide immediate, reliable, and objective feedback in the form of felt hand sensations based on assessment of the process.
  • With the use of haptics, dentists may now practice procedures as often as they like without incurring additional costs, and training can be done anywhere. So, from the job’s perspective, “This technology won’t replace you, but a person using it, will.”
  • Haptic technology is an effective teaching tool that shortens the gap between the virtual and physical worlds and enhances perception, touch, and feel.


Dr. Madhulika Banerjee is currently working as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Periodontics, Vishnu Dental College, Bhimavaram, Andhra Pradesh, India. She was an editor in Indian Association of Dental Students, West Bengal Branch. She has achieved various awards. Dr. Madhulika was awarded as the winner in Education Category, by the Vice-Chancellor of Rajasthan in an award show organized by Her Ka Hunar Award show. Dr. Madhulika has also attended several conferences and presented her papers and posters for the same. She has around 25 publications along with self-published two books in her name.
