HYBRID EVENT: You can participate in person at Madrid, Spain or Virtually from your home or work.

9th Edition of International Conference on Dentistry
and Oral Health

September 02-04, 2024 | Madrid, Spain

September 02-04, 2024 | Madrid, Spain
ICDO 2024

Jackson Martins Kalinoski

Jackson Martins Kalinoski, Speaker at Oral Health Conferences
Implants Clinica Odontologica, Brazil
Title: Soft tissue reconstructive approach to peri-implant defects as a therapeutic and preventive option


The presentation consists of technically showing how to plan, indicate and act in cases of soft tissue reconstructions around implants and related natural teeth. The nuances that make all the difference in the results and in the different applications of incisions, scalpel blades, needles and sutures, including how these are made through modern anchoring techniques, which enable great peri-implant aesthetic advances and gains in gingival volume.

Audience Take Away:

Dentists and surgeons will learn about how to do diagnoses, indicate and act on soft tissue reconstructive approaches and how to apply on peri-implant defects, techniques to recover and regenerate peri-implantar defects, which comes in a simple and reproducible way to bring another alternative, less morbid and better patient acceptance, include how prevents the removal of tissues from the palate. A new way to protect and stimulate a how to preserve and protect the donor palatal surgical wound with blood concentrates, bringing the benefits of accelerating healing, reducing pain and bleeding in the postoperative period.


Dr. Kalinoski studied Dentistry at the State University of Londrina, UEL, Brazil, and graduated as DDS in 2004. Post graduated as specialist in Periodontics from the State University of Londrina in 2006 and Implandontology at University Cruzeiro do Sul, UNICSUL in 2008. Have already 19 years professional experience. He currently owns a private dental clinic, also acts as a clinical dentist, performing care in various Dentistry specialties. He currently promotes advanced courses in bone and gingival reconstructions for dental surgeons and at the same time, which serves specialties being responsible for the areas of periodontics and implantology.
