HYBRID EVENT: You can participate in person at London, UK or Virtually from your home or work.

11th Edition of International Conference on Dentistry
and Oral Health

September 18-20 | London, UK

September 18-20, 2025 | London, UK
ICDO 2024

Assessment of the frequency of use and effectiveness of CBCT in surgical extractions or expose and bond procedures of impacted teeth in orthodontic treatment

David Williams, Speaker at Dental Conferences
OMFS Musgrove Park Hospital, United Kingdom
Title: Assessment of the frequency of use and effectiveness of CBCT in surgical extractions or expose and bond procedures of impacted teeth in orthodontic treatment


This presentation will discuss the use, effectiveness, and current guidance regarding the use of cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) imaging for patients undergoing surgical management of impacted teeth as part of orthodontic treatment, with the aim of providing more confidence to clinicians when choosing whether to use CBCT imaging.

An audit of CBCT use in patients undergoing surgical management of impacted teeth as part of orthodontic treatment was carried out between 01/01/22 and 01/01/24 in the maxillofacial surgery service at Musgrove Park Hospital, Taunton, UK.  Retrospective data collection was performed to capture use of 2D imaging and CBCT, justification and reporting, pre-operative assessment of tooth position, position at time of surgery and flap approach.

The results and analysis of this data will be discussed, with implications and recommendations of CBCT use in clinical practice. Alongside this, a questionnaire was performed assessing the attitudes of CBCT use amongst operative clinicians in the hospital. This was used to gauge their knowledge of CBCT, confidence, personal justifications, and whether they feel more confident performing surgery having taken a CBCT. These attitudes and perceptions will also be discussed.

The ultimate aim of carrying out this audit was to create department guidelines for effective CBCT use. Based on the findings, effectiveness, and benefits alongside existing guidance from SEDENTEXCT and EADMFR, these guidelines were produced. Furthermore, a flowchart to follow when deciding whether CBCT is clinically necessary was also created.

We feel both the guidelines and flowchart may of benefit in guiding clinicians in the use of CBCT and may provide them more confidence in this regard.

Audience Take Away:

  • CBCT is a relatively new imaging choice that can be of great clinical benefit. This presentation aims to provide enhanced knowledge of CBCT as well as current guidance, thereby improving clinician confidence when choosing to use CBCT.
  • How will this help the audience in their job? Provide information on current European guidelines for CBCT use and indications in clinical practice. Choosing appropriate clinical cases for use of CBCT, improving surgical confidence and patient outcomes/experience.
  • Is this research that other faculty could use to expand their research or teaching?
  • Does this provide a practical solution to a problem that could simplify or make a designer’s job more efficient?  
  • Effective use of CBCT may reduce surgical operating time and operator stress.
  • Will it improve the accuracy of a design, or provide new information to assist in a design problem? CBCT may be more effective in supernumerary position and identification, and therefore improve ease of procedure and surgical outcomes.


Dr. David Williams studied Dentistry at the University of Plymouth, UK, graduating in 2023 with Honours. He is currently undertaking foundation training, working in the Maxillofacial unit at Musgrove Park Hospital, Taunton, UK.  
