Preventive Dentistry
Preventive dentistry is the practice of caring for your teeth to stay them healthy. The preventive dental medicine could be a branch of dental medicine that deals with preventing sickness, prolonging the life & promoting physical & mental productivity through organized community efforts for the sanitation of the environment, the management of communicable infections, the education of individual in personal hygiene.
Community Dentistry
Community dentistry is the branch of medicine that deals with preventing disease, prolonging life & promoting physical & mental potency through organized community efforts for the sanitation of the atmosphere, the management of communicable infections, the education of individual in personal hygiene, the organization of medical & nursing services for diagnosis designation & preventive treatment of disease & the development of the social machinery to confirm everybody a regular of living adequate for the maintenance of the health.
Oral Epidemiology
Oral epidemiology give information on traditional biological processes and on diseases of the oral fissure, determines populations at risk of oral disease of specific care, and compares regional, environmental, social, and access similarities and variations in tending between populations. It additionally tests preventive interventions for the dominant disease and evaluates the effectiveness and the quality of interventions and oral health programs.
Important Alert:
Title : Effect of hormonal changes and stress on TMD
Yasser Khaled, Marquette University, United States
Title : Strategic surgical planning for soft tissue reconstruction with gingival graft using the tunnel technique
Jackson Martins Kalinoski, Brazilian Dental Association, Brazil