Title: Diagnosis of selected dental conditions with similar pain characteristics: Do we need to redefine our terminology? A personal view
The aim of this presentation is to highlight the problems that clinicians may have in diagnosing dental conditions, particularly those conditions with similar pain symptoms. One of the problems confronting the clinician when attempting to diagnose different dental conditions is that both the terminology and definitions for the conditions are often confusing. From a diagnostic perspective precise terminology and definitions are important if we are to be consistent with our diagnosis in resolving our patients’ dental pain. To my understanding this is not simply a question of semantics but of consistency when using terminology/definitions, and hopefully the recommendations proposed in the presentation will enable clinicians to universally describe dental conditions and subsequently proscribe the appropriate treatment. It is evident however, that in some disciplines (e.g. oral medicine) there is still some disagreement and confusion in the current classification, and this will be addressed in the presentation. Other dental conditions where the pain symptoms are similar and where confusion in terminology may exist will also be addressed and recommendations proposed to clarify any potential problems when attempting to provide a definitive diagnosis for the patient’s complaint.