Oral Surgery
Oral surgery refers to any surgical operation performed in or around your mouth and jaw, typically by a dental specialist who is trained to perform varieties of oral surgeries. There are many sorts of oral surgery, as well as surgical procedures like a tooth removal or a root canal. Some oral surgeries involve the positioning of the jaw. In different instances, oral surgery might involve the removal of a tumor. Oral surgeries might be performed by anyone of variety of various varieties of dental specialists, as well as endodontists, periodontists, and prosthodontists.
Dental Anesthesiology
Dental anesthesiology is the specialty of dentistry that deals with the management of pain through employment of advanced local and general anaesthesia techniques. It's the discipline in dentistry that manages pain and anxiety through employment of local anaesthesia, sedation, and general anaesthesia.
Important Alert:
Title : Diagnosis of selected dental conditions with similar pain characteristics: Do we need to redefine our terminology? A personal view
David Geoffrey Gillam, Queen Mary University of London, United Kingdom
Title : Temporomandibular dysfunction - The great imposter
Patrick Grossmann, British Society for the Study of Craniomandibular Disorders, United Kingdom
Title : Oral microbiome in health and disease
Zvi G Loewy, New York Medical College, United States
Title : Facial trauma 2025
Steven J Traub, American Institute of Oral Biology, United States
Title : Prevention in the Netherlands in health care and dentistry
Jaap Boehmer, Rijnstate Hospital, Netherlands
Title : Analysis of LANAPĀ® and LAPIPĀ® - Minimally invasive periodontal and peri-implantitis treatment protocols
Preetinder Singh, Academy of Oral Surgery, United States