Gum reshaping is a cosmetic dental procedure that is used to alter the appearance of the gum line by changing its size and shape. Gum reshaping is mainly used to correct an overly gummy smile, where the gums cover too much of the teeth. It can also be used to even out an uneven gum line, or to reshape the gums to fit the shape of the natural teeth. Gum reshaping is typically done using a laser, which is used to precisely remove excess gum tissue. This procedure can be used to create a more aesthetically pleasing gum line, and can also be used to help restore the health of the gums by removing any diseased or damaged tissue. The procedure is relatively quick and painless, and is typically done in one or two sessions. During the procedure, the dentist will apply a numbing agent to the gums and then use a laser to remove the excess gum tissue. The laser also seals the blood vessels and nerves in the area, helping to reduce the risk of infection and bleeding. After the procedure, the gum line will be reshaped, and the patient may experience some swelling and discomfort. These symptoms usually subside within a couple of days, and the patient should be able to resume their normal activities soon after. Gum reshaping is a safe and effective way to improve the appearance of the gums and teeth, and can help to restore the health of the gums. It is important to consult with a qualified dentist before undergoing the procedure, as they will be able to assess the individual's individual needs and recommend the best treatment plan.
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