Enameling is a common technique used in dentistry to protect the teeth against cavities and other damage. It is a process where a thin layer of enamel is applied to the surface of a tooth. This helps to protect the tooth from decay and other damage. The enamel is a hard, white substance that is composed of a variety of minerals. It is the hardest substance in the human body and is designed to protect the teeth from bacteria and other foreign materials. The enamel is applied to the tooth by a dental professional. It is usually done with a special instrument called an enamel applicator. The enamel is then cured and hardened with a special light. This process helps to create a strong and durable layer of protection for the tooth. Once the enamel has been applied, it is important to take care of it properly. Regular brushing and flossing are important to maintain the health of the enamel. It is also important to avoid acidic foods and drinks, as these can erode the enamel over time. Enamelling is a safe and effective way to protect the teeth from decay and other damage. It is important to follow the instructions of the dental professional and to keep up with regular oral hygiene to ensure that the enamel remains strong and healthy.
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