Dental Public Health (DPH) is a field of dentistry focused on improving oral health for the public. DPH strives to prevent and control dental diseases and promote dental health through population-based approaches. DPH professionals have expertise in epidemiology, health promotion, health services administration, and social and behavioral sciences. DPH professionals work to control the spread of oral diseases by providing education on oral health and hygiene, promoting healthy behaviors, monitoring and evaluating oral health programs, and conducting research. They also provide clinical services in public health settings, such as schools, nursing homes, and correctional facilities. DPH professionals are also involved in policy development, funding, and advocacy. They work with government agencies, local health departments, and other organizations to develop policies, regulations, and laws that support the oral health of the population. These professionals also work to secure funding for public health programs and to advocate for greater access to oral health care services. DPH professionals also collaborate with other health care professionals and organizations to promote oral health and prevent oral diseases. They also develop and implement programs, such as fluoride varnish, to improve access to oral health care services for underserved populations. Finally, DPH professionals are involved in research on oral health topics, such as the impact of oral health on overall health, the efficacy of public health interventions, and the development of new treatments. The research conducted by DPH professionals is used to inform public health policy and to improve the oral health of the population.
Important Alert:
Title : Diagnosis of selected dental conditions with similar pain characteristics: Do we need to redefine our terminology? A personal view
David Geoffrey Gillam, Queen Mary University of London, United Kingdom
Title : Temporomandibular dysfunction - The great imposter
Patrick Grossmann, British Society for the Study of Craniomandibular Disorders, United Kingdom
Title : Oral microbiome in health and disease
Zvi G Loewy, New York Medical College, United States
Title : Facial trauma 2025
Steven J Traub, American Institute of Oral Biology, United States
Title : Prevention in the Netherlands in health care and dentistry
Jaap Boehmer, Rijnstate Hospital, Netherlands
Title : Analysis of LANAPĀ® and LAPIPĀ® - Minimally invasive periodontal and peri-implantitis treatment protocols
Preetinder Singh, Academy of Oral Surgery, United States