Title: Strategies for improving tongue mobility using Myofascial Release Technique (MRT): Structural analysis with and without frenulotomy
This presentation focuses on interdisciplinary strategies for improving tongue mobility through the application of the proprietary Myofascial Release Technique (MRT). Drawing from Chapter 6 of the book co-authored with Prof. Duran, it highlights structured approaches to therapy that include both surgical (frenulotomy) and non-surgical interventions. Innovative approaches to addressing tongue mobility issues using myofascial release techniques are presented, supported by insights from the latest research in topographic anatomy of the oral floor and lingual frenulum. A detailed structural analysis of factors influencing restricted tongue mobility will be provided, addressing anatomical, biomechanical, and functional considerations such as tension in the oral floor fascia, lingual frenulum attachment, and muscular function. The critical role of interdisciplinary collaboration between orthodontists, speech therapists, and physiotherapists in successful treatment outcomes is emphasized. The presentation includes practical insights into the application of MRT, illustrated by clinical cases that demonstrate improvements in tongue mobility, normalization of orofacial functions, and stabilization of orthodontic treatment outcomes. These cases encompass patients treated both before and after frenulotomy, showcasing the versatility and effectiveness of the approach. Future directions in myofunctional orthodontics are discussed, including the integration of innovative techniques and the importance of addressing tongue mobility as a fundamental component of modern orthodontic care. The session concludes with actionable strategies for clinicians aiming to enhance function and aesthetics in patients with restricted tongue mobility.