Monika Osko is a dentist and MFS ambassador, currently pursuing her doctoral studies at the University of Barcelona. She is the President of the Polish Society of Myofunctional Therapy and co-author of the book Orthodontic Treatment According to the MFS Philosophy, enriched with 10 original chapters written by her. She has authored five articles published in Forum Ortodontyczne, Ortodoncja w Praktyce, and the Online Journal of Oral and Dental Health. The book is currently being translated into English. Monika has also co-authored therapeutic children's books, including Zgryzek and Friends and Freeing the Frenulum.
Title : The MFS philosophy: A causal approach to craniofacial growth and development through myofunctional stimulation
Title : Strategies for improving tongue mobility using Myofascial Release Technique (MRT): Structural analysis with and without frenulotomy