Title: One Day Wall Deliver the metal-reinforced full - arch fixed restoration in accurate occlusion on same surgery day
To find a way to make immediate loading prosthesis more rigid and delivered in accurate occlusion for better occlusal force distribution to enhance osseo-integration. To simplify the treatment protocol and deliver the definitive restoration on the same surgery day.
Materials and Methods
The complete dentures were fabricated on a study model with bilateral balance occlusion design. Five ANKYLOS implants were inserted, and the insertion torque is >25 N-cm and ISQ >70. Angular abutments were assembled and adjusted to parallel each other with the aid of parallel pins. The custom pick-up copings were pressed onto the abutments, and the impressions were taken with IMPREGUM. Then the coping sockets were assembled with the analogs, gingiva mask applied, and model poured with dental stone and then set on the articulator. Five friction retained copings were pressed onto abutments and 2mm grade IV titanium bars were bent and spot welded to join five copings into a framework. The silicone bite registration material was applied on the occlusal surface. The passivity of the titanium framework was check by OPG, the accurate jaw-relationship and ideal V.D. was obtained by finger guided TMJ position, and the position was recorded by bite registration material. The stone model was remounted and the denture relined with composite luting cement on the articulator. After smoothing the tissue surface, the friction retained restoration is delivered to the patient.