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11th Edition of International Conference on Dentistry and Oral Health

October 20-22, 2025 | Orlando, Florida

October 20-22, 2025 | Orlando, Florida, USA
ICDO 2018

The peri-implant soft tissue as a key factor for a long-time success

Jan Klenke, Speaker at Dentistry Conferences
University of Hamburg, Germany
Title: The peri-implant soft tissue as a key factor for a long-time success


This lecture will start with the description of the differences between Gingiva and the periimplant mucosa.  The biological with around teeth and implants will be explained. The question of the necessity of a fixed and keratinized mucosa around implants and teeth will be discussed. To that topic literature will be shown and explained to show its scientific background.
To transfer the theoretical explanations into a clinical use, the lecture will show a first clinical case. This case will demonstrate the development of a severe periimplantitis over 17 years at two lower molar implants with missing attached periimplant mucosa. The treatment of this periimplantitis will be shown supported by literature of concepts to treat periimplantitis.
As a stable mucosa around implants in the molar region is needed for a stable function of the implants, in the aesthetic zone the thickness, shape and color of the periimplant mucosa is crucial for a functional and aesthetic long-term success. The concept to receive aesthetic and stable periimplant soft-tissue in the aesthetic zone of our private practice will be shown. Therefore, clinical cases will demonstrate the procedure used in our practice in different situations. First of all, the concept of immediate implant placement in this sensible area with the different possibilities of immediate provisionalisation of the implants will be explained. An excursion into the preferred implantsystem will explain what kind of implants should be used for this kind of treatment protocol.
If an immediate implant placement is not possible – the reasons for not placing an immediate implant will be explained – the extraction technique and extraction socket treatment will be shown. The focus will be on the reconstruction of the soft-tissue.


Dental state examination in Berlin 1993. Since 1993 until 1996, scientific assistant at FU- Berlin in the department of restaurative dentistry and periodontology. Long-term internship in a maxillo-facial dental clinic. Permanent establishment in own practice in Hamburg, 1997. Since 1998 until 2000 practice with Dr. W. Klenke. Since 2000, group practice with the dentist Christian Regel. Initially, intensive national and international skill enhancement in plastic periodontology and  microscopic endotontology. In 2000 and 2001 structured and certified skill enhancement implantology of the German society for dental implantology (DGZI).  Since 2005, certified focus on implantology of the Federation of the implantologial dentists (BDIZ) and the European Association of dental implantoligists (EDI). Promotion to Dr. med. dent. Jan Klenke in 2005 at the university of Hamburg, Germany.  Regular skill enhancement in the departments of implantology, peridontology, aesthetics, endontology and emergency management.  In 2007 and 2008, post graduate study course in conscious sedation and pain management at the university college London.  Since 2009, national and international lectures and courses in the area of dental implantology and aesthetics.  Expert in oral implantology of the German Society of Oral Implantology ( DGOI ) In 2010, acquisition of technical qualification for dental digital CBCT.
Member in the following scientific Societies: 
