Title: The therapeutic use of botulinum toxin (botox) & the aesthetic side effects
Have you dabbled in Botulinum Toxin treatment? Are you curious and want to learn more?
In this lecture Dr. Roberts explains how the multiple mechanisms of action of BoNT-A have an impact far beyond facial wrinkles and why a detailed understanding of the anatomy of the face and neck is paramount to successful therapeutic & aesthetic treatment. Learn how the secondary & tertiary mechanisms of action effect pain modulation and have a major impact on adjunctive therapy for TMD, headache, neck ache & myofascial pain. Muscle relaxation of sensitive periodontal tissues with BoNT-A prior to surgery can have a significant influence on implant success. Learn how BoNT-A can impact your practice in ways you have never before considered.
- Describe the synergy between therapeutic & aesthetic uses of BoNT-A
- Describe how BoNT-A can interface with TMD, perio, endo, implants, ortho for more positive treatment outcomes
- Explain why an in-depth understanding of anatomy is crucial for positive implant outcomes