HYBRID EVENT: You can participate in person at London, UK or Virtually from your home or work.

11th Edition of International Conference on Dentistry
and Oral Health

September 18-20 | London, UK

September 18-20, 2025 | London, UK
ICDO 2025

Microabration techniques

Graciela Zegarra Huerta, Speaker at Oral Health Conferences
Peruviam Pediatric Assossiation, Peru
Title: Microabration techniques


Changes in concepts on dental care, improving of materials and techniques and worrying of the patients about their looks, have been responsible for the increment of Esthetic Dentistry's importance in recent years. The technique of Enamel Microabration is applied as an esthetic alternative in those cases where the elimination of white spots, veins, grayish and brown stains or pigmentations by demineralization, is desired in a rapid, effective and conservative way. The technique is based on chemical and mechanical microreduction of the superficial enamel.


Dr Graciela Zegarra studied Dentistry at Catholic University, Arequipa and graduated as MS in 2001. She then postgraduate in pediatric dentistry at Javeriana University, Bogotá in 2004. She joined the research group of Prof. Milgrom at the Washington University. She received her decoration of Hipolito Unanue Institute 2017. She has published research articles in SCI (E) Short tern serum pharmacokinetics of diammine silver fluoride after oral application; BMCOral Health 2012, 12:60. Milk sweetened with xylitol: a Proof-of-principle caries prevention RCT, JDCHILD-2015-12-1665.R1
