Title: Dentists need to learn how to deal before how to treat
In the continuously changing world of dental education, 21st-century soft skills has become critical for training future dental professionals. This essay examines the present level of soft skills integration in dentistry curricula, emphasizing the importance of communication, cooperation, critical thinking, and self-direction. Although technical competencies remain a priority, our findings show a moderate incorporation of soft skills, notably in developing good communication and teamwork among students. Drawing on current literature and research, we highlight the significance of emotional intelligence and non-cognitive skills in improving academic and professional achievement. We advocate for a systematic incorporation of soft skills training into dental school programs to guarantee graduates are not just competent in technical knowledge but also able to thrive in collaborative healthcare environment. Finally, this opinion encourages dental education institutions to promote soft skills development and integrate courses with the demands of modern dentistry practice. Quieng MC, Lim PP, Lucas MR. 21st century-based soft skills: spotlight on non-cognitive skills in a cognitive-laden dentistry program. Eur J Contemp Educ. 2015;11(1):72-81. doi:10.13187/ejced.2015.11.72.