Title: Anterior loop connector fixed partial denture – A case report
In modern times everyone is more esthetic and health conscious than ever before therefore, premature loss of anterior teeth has negative psychological impact on any young individual. Among many complex prosthodontic situations posing difficulty in obtaining optimum esthetics, satisfactory rehabilitation of anterior teeth with diastema is a challenging situation with regards to prognosis in terms of maintenance of tissue health in that region as well as achieving esthetics. Different treatment modalities such as implant supported prosthesis, conventional fixed partial denture and removable partial denture are available for treatment of such a patient. Problems arise when we encounter a situation with large midline diastema with generalized spacing and missing anterior teeth. Such a situation poses difficulty to restore satisfactory esthetics. This case report presents a clinical situation with excessive diastema space and missing anterior teeth with generalized spacing which has been successfully restored with loop connector fixed partial denture to restore desired aesthetics.