Title: Biological Restorations in Pediatric Dentistry
Biological restorations using natural tooth are upcoming aesthetic solutions for restoring tooth to its original form and function. This technique comprised of bonding the sterile dental fragments to teeth having extensive coronal destruction. Cavity preparation should be non-retentive and the biological fragment is retained using adhesive materials. The tooth fragments are obtained either from the patient or from a tooth bank. They may be used as a safe and reliable alternative to restore the dental anatomy and function with excellent biomechanical properties. Restoring an extensive carious lesion should be done properly so as to reestablish their anatomy and hence obtaining masticatory, phonetic, esthetic and space-maintainer functions in the dental arches. The premature loss of a primary tooth can lead to the loss of vertical dimension of occlusion, habits like tongue thrusting and mouth breathing, that can cause future malocclusion. Managing space, establishing esthetics, restoring teeth to ensure adequate form and function has always been a challenge for pediatric dentist. An ever increasing demand for esthetics has led to innovation and development of newer treatment modalities for these problems. In an attempt to widen the treatment options as biologically and conservatively as possible, tooth structure is used as a restorative material to rehabilitate severely destroyed tooth crowns. Tooth as biological restoration restore aesthetics, form and function adequately and efficiently. The biological way of restoring decayed and damaged tooth structure is a new advancement and a boon to Pediatric Dentistry.