Title: Using intra-root fiber post retentors as an alternative to metal posts in aesthetic dentistry
The intra-root retentors were at first made of metal. The root cavities were prepared and impressed with an acrylic pattern, sent to a prosthesis laboratory who melted the acrylic pattern turning it into a metal piece to be cemented on the remaining root, with your posterior rehabilitation. The acid eatching of dental structures make the adhesion trough resin-based fillings and dental structures possible. Attributed to that, the conservative concepts in dentistry grows in last years. The last decades developments in dental materials change the way we deal with remaining dental structure. The adhesive dentistry is getting simpler, as the new self-eatching adhesives and cementation materials becomes more common. The use of glass-fiber posts is an important ally for the maintenance of remaining dental structures, making direct resin fillings with wider appliance, making it more reliable and enhancing their longevity. The day-by-day challenges in aesthetic dentistry got easier when we think in a new way, using restorative materials, which are similar to dental structures, in colour, translucency and mechanical behavior. The intra-root preparations should still aim a biomechanical approach, despite the mechanical gains acquired with adhesive materials. Some mechanical principles must be respected. As the preparation of a half to two thirds of the infra bone root is still aimed. Different shapes of glass-fiber posts can be applied to different situations, making the root preparations more conservative and safer. As an additive advantage, divergent roots can be prepared and used on the intra root anchorage of rehabilitations, growing the mechanical resistance of the set. The use of aesthetic post can be a helpful alternative to free-metal rehabilitations