Title: Immediate implant in the esthetic zone: A new technique for defects class II
Studies involving dehiscence implant sites have also investigated grafts without a membrane and reported similar results to those in which a membrane was used. In Class II dehiscence defects, in which volume stability is achieved by the adjacent bone walls in combination with an implant placed within the confines of the bony defect, partial regeneration of the defect occurs even without use of regenerative techniques. In spite of such gain being only partial, this fact alone demonstrates the excellent regenerating potential of this type of defect. Use of immediate implants at sites with Class II and III bony dehiscence defects is usually accompanied by guided bone regeneration (GBR), where a surgical flap is necessary, as well as use of biomaterials or autologous or allogenic bone and a membrane The literature, however, is scarce on regenerative approaches that feature simple procedures. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate a new technique for treating dehiscence buccal bone sites (Class II) without using a surgical flap and membrane, in immediate implant surgeries.