Title: Identification and management of high caries patients
During his lecture Pr.Dr Kandelman will present :
-the new concepts on dental plaque, carie's susceptibility, and saliva components and associated properties.
- the inter-relation in between the above factors He will then explain why there is an urgent need to approach high carie's patients in looking what are the preponderant risk factors, more specifically what are the preponderant factors of risk in order to make an appropriate diagnostic and be able then, to select and implement appropriate preventive and curative treatments.
Pr Kandelman will then describe the proposed type of diagnostic tools used as related to each specific identifyied preponderant factor ( dental plaque, saliva and nutritional parameters.
He will finally suggest the appropriate preventive and curative treatments related to and following the diagnostic preceeding tests and show some clinical cases anddental treatments performed on high carie's risk patients.