Title: Trial on 5% NaF varnish real effectiveness on high caries risk patients when we consider SMs level influence. Real effectiveness of a daily international dental preventive practice: a new question!
- Worldwide scientific premieres, after inconclusive trials testing topical fluoride varnish on high caries risk patients, here is the influence of the SMs levels on your patient
- RCT testing how cariogenic bacteria can limit topical fluoride varnish effectiveness on ECC most vulnerable children
- Observational designs on infants, schoolers, adults reporting the SMs and L levels
- Observational designs showing the veritable dose-response nature between levels of SMs and L infection and caries experiences.
- In clear, evidences are given, on: ECC ICDAS carious lesions reporting, on cariogenic bacteria levels on daily dental patients, on real effectiveness of topical fluoride on high caries risk patients.