Title: Natural compounds. A potential approach to obtain the desirable stability of dentin-resin bond
Many natural compounds have been reported as inducers of stability of the collagen fibrils and, in consequence, of the dentin bond strength. Two of their most attractive characteristics are their very low toxicity when compared to synthetic agents and they come from renewable/sustainable resources. It is also widely accepted that the degradation of adhesive interfaces occurs as resulting of hydrolytic degradation of the adhesive resin and due to the action of endogenous dentin proteolytic enzymes on exposed collagen fibrils that significantly compromises the durability of bond strengths and the integrity of hybrid layer jeopardizing the longevity of the composite restorations. Thus, this lecture intends to bring up the current knowledge on that topic and discuss some of the methodologies used to evaluate the effectiveness of natural compounds on protection of collagen fibrils as well as stimulate approaches to develop researches on this topic.
This lecture intends to bring up the current knowledge on that topic, the main natural products used to improve the dentin – resin bonding, discuss some of the methodologies used to evaluate the effectiveness of natural compounds on protection of collagen fibrils as well as stimulate approaches to develop researches on this topic.