Title: Bone and intraosseous lesions of the oral region: a 50 year retrospective study in Sao Paulo, Brazil
The epidemiological study aims to provide information to the clinician, aiding in the diagnosis and providing conditions for better understanding and prevention of certain pathologies. Methodology: This study had as objective the study of bone lesions and intraosseous diagnosed in the Department of Pathology, School of Araçatuba-FOA-UNESP Dentistry, over a period of 50 years, analyzing the gender, age, sex, race, anatomical location and radiographic features of the lesion. The lesions were classified according to their nature. Results: Cystic lesions accounted 59% of all diagnoses. Most of the lesions occurred in the male sex, white race, jaw, of radiolucent appearance and in patients with an average of 32.65 years old.