Title: Orthopedic-orthodontic care in patients with cleft palate lip
The cleft lip andcleft palate are congenital craniofacial malformations, derived from the lack of union between the facial processes. This malformation occurs during embryonic development from the sixth to the tenth week of intrauterine life. They are common defects that produce an abnormal facial appearance and speechdifficulties, functional, psychological and esthetic commitment, derived from themalformative condition.The Autonomous Juárez University of Tabasco, Mexico, through the orthodontic postgraduate report that, the patients with cleft lip and cleftpalate, whoattended at the dental specialties clinic and surgical journeysfor this malformation, 31% presented cleft lip and a complete left unilateral palate, with a greater predominance in males and 29% in females. Preoperative orthopedics is an effective treatment in patients with cleftlip and cleftpalate, which if isperformed early can achieve favorable results, improving the quality of life of patients. Orthodontic care in patients with cleftlip and cleftpalate aftermath in the public health sectors are limited, and the most vulnerable population is generally low-income, which is why the orthodontic specialty of the Autonomous Juarez University of Tabasco, represent an alternative for the attention of thevulnerablepopulation.