HYBRID EVENT: You can participate in person at Madrid, Spain or Virtually from your home or work.

9th Edition of International Conference on Dentistry
and Oral Health

September 02-04, 2024 | Madrid, Spain

September 02-04, 2024 | Madrid, Spain
ICDO 2017

New Materials for CAD/CAM-manufactured restorations

Peter Reinhard Pospiech, Speaker at Oral Health Conferences
Charite University, Germany
Title: New Materials for CAD/CAM-manufactured restorations


CAD/CAM – procedures have been significantly improved since the first launch of CEREC 1 in 1987. This lead to the introduction of new ceramic materials in 1999 with the possibility to use Zirconia as a restorative material even for long-span bridges. 
In that consequence not only Zirconia was improved over the time according to the handling and translucency – new glass-containing ceramics were developed as well.
For a few years new high strength composites entered the market with some promises to match better the properties especially of dentin.  It is supposed that they improve especially the restorations behavior on implants as those lack of resilience which is nowadays observed more critically.
But even “old” materials as Titanium, CoCr-alloys and high-precious alloys were offered for the use in CAD/CAM-procedures.
The lectures gives an overview of the state of the complexity and diversity of the material’s portfolio to help for the decision making for the dentist and technician to get the right material for the individual desires of each patient.


1987                   Masters Degrees (Staatsexamen) at the University of Duesseldorf/Germany 
1989                   Visiting doctor at the University of Adelaide
1991- 2002          University of Munich (LMU)
May 1997            Habilitation (PhD) on „All-ceramic resin-bonded bridges“
November 1997   Degree of a  „Qualified Specialist in Prosthodontics“ 
1999-2000           Visiting Professor at the University of Washington, Seattle at the Dep. of. Restorative Dentistry
2002 - 2011         Chairman of the Department of Prosthetic Dentistry and Dental Materials Science, Saarland University
2011-2012           Chairman of the Department of Prosthetic Dentistry and Dental Materials Science, Danube Private University, Krems, Austria
2012-2013           Associate Professor at the Technical University of Dresden
2013-2015           Co-Chair of the Department of Prosthetic Dentistry at Wuerzburg University, Germany
since Sept 1st, 2015    Co-Chair of the Department of Prosthetic Dentistry at Charité, Berlin, Germany
