Title: Keratocystic odontogenic tumour: A case report
Purpose: The purpose of this study is the present a case with keratocysticodontogenictumour which is a relatively rare benign neoplasm.
Methods and Materials: 27 year old male patient referred to our clinic because of an intraoral swelling of posterior mandibula.There was no other complaint and finding except for theswelling.During the clinic and radiographicalexamination we saw that there was a multiloculer radiolucent lesion extending from mandibular right third molar tooth to mandibular ramus.As a result of the tomography was showed that expansion the bone of the keratocysticodontogenictumour.
Results: It was determined that the lesion of the biopsy made in the patient was histopathologically kerocysticodontogenictumour. Primarly described by Philiphsen in 1956 the odontogenickeratocyst was reclassified as KeratocysticOdontogenicTumour by the The World Health Organization (WHO) in 2005 and is definied as a benign intraosseoustumour of odontogenicorigin with a characterictig lining of parakeratinized stratified squamous epithelium.
Conclusion: The tumor may not be symptomatic until it expands to the bone. Therefore, panoramic radiography is important for early diagnosis and should be supported by tomography for detailed examination of the tumour