Academic in Dentistry in Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil; Currently is an intern at Ambulatory of Maxillofacial Surgery and Traumatology Service in the Clinical Hospital of Federal University of Pernambuco, being a member of the project to care for patients with oral diseases and facial traumas and the project entitled prevention and treatment of cancer in face and mouth regions in Venturosa-Pernambuco-Brazil. Won awarded for presentation of scientific works at national and international events and in 2018, was invited by Universidad Nacional Federico Villareal to give a conference at the XIII Congresso Internacional de Odontología and for I Jornada Internacional Multidisciplinaria de Estomatología Peruano Brasileira by Peruvian army.
Title : Reconstruction Of Zygomatic-Orbital Fracture In Pediatric Patients Victim Of Physical Aggression By A Large-Caliber Firearm Projectile
Title : Reconstruction of zygomatic-orbital fracture in pediatric patients victim of physical aggression by a large-caliber firearm projectile
Title : Reconstruction of zygomatic-orbital fracture in pediatric patients victim of physical aggression by a large-caliber firearm projectile