Dr. Samuel Tacher graduated from Universidad Intercontinental school of dentistry in Mexico City, did his residency in oral and maxillofacial residency at The University of Texas in Houston. Since he returned to Mexico he has been involved in teaching at university, for more than 20 years lecturing national and internationally and publishing articles mostly on implantologyandoral reconstruction. Dr. Tacher has developed social programas to provide oral care for the most needed with great succes. Recently published a new technique for mandibular local anesthesia ( Research and questioning always if there is a better way brought as a result different techniques that improves quality and reduces costs and complications, that`s how this new bone graft technique was conceived resulting in the possibility of returning tissues both hard and soft to their anatomic and physiologic state giving the patient a much better quality of life, function ans esthetic.
Title : New bone grafting technique for soft tissue repositioning and radicular and or implant bone defect replacement